October Update

I am excited to share with you how God has been working in my life. I have been focused on connecting with women and creating safe spaces to share and get to know one another.

Women's Brunch

I love a good brunch. It means sharing a meal and enjoying quality time with friends. When the Lord put it on my heart to start a quarterly brunch for the women staff I was quite excited. The goal of the brunch was to connect the new staff with the older staff. It was a lovely time of breaking bread and listening to a couple of testimonies on new beginnings. I had two amazing women share testimonies on how God's faithfulness renewed hope in their lives. It was a refreshing time; we all left with our hearts and stomachs full.

''Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.” Romans 12:9-10

''Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good.”
Romans 12:9-10

Christina's Pretty Nail Salon

Evangelism takes on many forms. I have recently had the opportunity to use my love of manicures and all things girly as a way to connect with local women. We have been inviting women in to come to get their nails painted by me. We call it "Christina's Pretty Nail Salon." It has been a great way to evangelize on a more personal level.

I got the chance to meet a woman named Mima from Algeria and her son. She came to France to get medical care for her son who is disabled. She came to this country for a better opportunity for him. Since she came illegally she can't work and is often stuck at home with nothing to do. She loves connecting with people and learning as much as she can about other people and cultures. Although she loves connecting with people she often finds herself lonely because she doesn't know many people in Paris. So it was a real treat for her to come into a community that is so international. She had loads of questions (which I love) and wanted to know more about living in a Christian missionary community. She was baffled that we have all come together to work essentially for free. We just explained to her that we came out here because of our love of God.

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” Mark Twain

“Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
Mark Twain


After meeting Mima she invited me and a friend over to her house. She cooked a wonderful meal of Algerian couscous and a homemade lemon tart. The food was delicious! It was such a lovely time of getting to know each other better and sharing about our different cultures. I got to share about the Bible and Christianity and she shared with me about the Quran and Islam. After we talked about our different religions she brought up that she wants me to read to her from the Bible. I am going to be meeting again with her today to hang out some more and share the Gospel with her. I am so excited!


Prayer Requests

• France - We are getting hit with a second wave of COVID and there are talks of going into another lockdown. Please pray that whatever decision the government makes it helps the number of cases decrease.
• Megan and Titi's wedding - My friends have a wedding date and are planning on getting married in Saint Lucia. They have had a lot of struggles trying to get married in the midst of a pandemic. Please pray that they don't encounter any more problems.

Thank You
I am so thankful for your support and faithfulness. There are not enough words to express my gratitude.
I ask that you continue keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

Love and Blessings,

Christina Novack

Christina was born and raised in California with a huge love for travel. Prior to being a missionary, she worked in the healthcare field serving people with mental health and substance abuse issues. She is passionate about serving people wholeheartedly, especially people who feel hopeless, unloved, and broken. God showed her that His love can be so redeeming and she wants to show that same love to others.


November Update


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