Covid Update
Hello :)
I know this update is coming out a little later than usual. There were some unforeseen circumstances that prevented me from getting out an update on time.
Getting Sick & Getting Better
In case you weren't aware, I got covid! I didn't expect it but I guess no one really does. I won't sugar coat it... it was not good. I suffered from intense body ache and fatigue during my 10-day quarantine. Thankfully body ache, fatigue, and some loss of smell were my only symptoms. The fatigue is still lingering. It was a challenging time because I was isolated for so long with minimal contact with people on top of being ill. However, I used the time to recuperate well. It's usually really challenging for me to take care of myself when I'm sick. I get the mentality that sick time = free time and that I should take advantage of being sick to work on projects. That doesn't leave me time to rest and then I end up being sicker for a prolonged period of time. So while I was sick I focused on resting and eating well. I did also spend a good amount of time in prayer and worship. I was determined to not wallow in my sickness. Meaning I didn't want to fall into a hole of despair. So I prayed and worshiped. I proclaimed that God is Good even when I'm not feeling well. I proclaimed that no matter what I am facing in life God is with me and He will never forsake me.
'You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever.'
Psalms 30:11-12
Even though I was determined to stay positive, I will be honest with you, I did have a little breakdown. I just got really homesick and wanted to be surrounded by my family (including my fur babies). I had a moment of doubt about my calling but the Good Lord reminded me that there is a purpose to me being in France. I was reminded of one of the scriptures that I received when I was praying about being a missionary.
'He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”'
Luke 10:2
It is so comforting to know that even when I have moments of doubt the Lord is still with me. He is patient with me and kind to me. For He is such a loving and gentle Father.
French School Update
So these past two months of French School were quite challenging for various reasons. In terms of learning, there were ups and downs and a little bit of a plateau. My brain felt like it was going to explode on a regular basis. There were some shed tears because I felt as though I was never going to grasp it. Then one day I realized I started to actually comprehend what was being said, not fully but mostly. I am now able to have basic conversations. :) Even though I was sick I thank God I didn't regress in my learning. I was able to watch videos in French which I'm sure helped.
So due to me and another student getting covid and everyone else being a contact case, our campus had to shut down. We were completely isolated and quarantined according to our health status. Covid completely wrecked our schedule since we were supposed to begin our immersion portion of the school right when we got sick. Meaning that instead of being immersed into the community our school was forced to gather on zoom. I'm not sure what our last month is going to look like. I am sure that I am ready for the challenge of learning even more.
The school has been meeting through zoom - this is the first one I was able to join.
Prayer Requests
• French School - Please pray that I am able to continue to learn all that I can while I am here. That I am also able to continue growing in my faith and drawing closer to God.
• My Health - Please pray that my health remains good now that I am recovering from covid. Also, pray for my mental health against anxiety.
• My Family - Please pray that they find comfort in the Lord while I am serving in France. It has been challenging for them to have me so far away. The distance was really felt when I was sick.
• France - Please pray that covid cases decrease so we don't have to go into another lockdown. That also fewer people have to experience what it's like to have covid.
• Paris School Teams - Please pray for the staff and students of our schools. Some are just getting back from outreach (North Africa). Others are getting ready to go on an outreach to various cities across Europe. Pray for favor in crossing borders and that they may faithfully share the Gospel.
Thank You
I am so thankful for your support and faithfulness. There are not enough words to express my gratitude.
I ask that you continue keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.
Love and Blessings,